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Saturday, 26 June 2010

stillness, at the start of the day

stillness at the start of the day,
when I can learn what lives within, and
detect my ability to express it

when ideas grow legs and start to
walk, lost imaginings are remembered,
old potentials become new

(often I rush in, frantic to start
the day, or distract myself from what
lies unaccomplished)

allowing stillness, thought, gently
reading the words of others or
looking over my own former scribblings -
their patterns still traceable in my mind

life repositions itself, hope alights
and tells me things are not after all,
as impossible as I thought

stillness, at the start of the day


Angela said...

Thank youi Lucy! Just franctically checking PC before rushing off to School Fete and then home to Sunday Preparations
Your post has slowed me right down and helped me re-focus on the Things That Matter
Bless you!!
have a lovely weekend

bunnits said...

A lovely poem. It makes me think of one of my favorite lines from the Psalms: "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). With all the external and internal noise that we must face each day, that time of silence and stillness is an essential that I look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Great poem. I too tend to rush into things. Thanks fo the reminder. xo

"The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people."- Richard Foster