I'm having trouble keeping everything in my head this week. I keep thinking I have loads to do and in a sense that's true, but it's do-able if I'm organised. And if I don't forget things. And if when I go to write down the thing I'm not supposed be forgetting I don't forget before I can find the pen / type it into my phone.
No, the photo has nothing to do with anything, and yes, you are allowed to laugh.
I had an interview on Saturday to join the editorial team at Magnet magazine, which was successful. It's a voluntary position and will be great experience in the editing process. After that I had a lovely lunch with two friends, which was fantastic (as shown by my previous entry!).
It was in London so in the brief window I had between interview and lunch I decided to take a stroll along Westminster Bridge, deliberately choosing to exit Westminster Tube Station under Big Ben itself (which totally awed me in my country bumpkin days!). However I only got halfway across the bridge before retreating - horizontal rain and fighting to keep my umbrella from blowing inside out while trying to avoid other people's umbrellas (who were having same problem), getting squished by tourists and utterly drenched anyway. Every time I squinted up at the Houses of Parliament I got a face full of wetness. Clinging onto the sides of my umbrella meant the rain was also pouring down my sleeve. Glad this happened after the interview! Retreated, defeated, to Waterloo before going to lunch on the Southbank. Tottered onto the train feeling utterly exhausted - having got up at 5.30am, as well as all the rest of it.
Anyway. Was not going to say any of that but never mind. Now, I have to sort out the church magazine (rather smaller, but I try to do a good job), having the youth group round tonight and also on Sunday, and preparing for our church's 'Celebration of Creativity' weekend (the one after next). Spent all morning preparing two 'welcome' boards - as well as printing and laminating some poems to display in one of the smaller rooms. They'll be sharing wall space with textile art from my very talented and ultra lovely friend, and I'm trying to work out the best way of displaying everything (since she is on holiday). I need to email someone to ask for a wall hook, I need to prepare the room a little (probably this Saturday) and then sort most of it out next Thursday. In between, I'll be putting the magazine together, chasing up articles and finding fillers as necessary.
As well as those little ordinary chores which fill up the to-do lists.
This is all aside from the day job (writing), you understand.
Still, I enjoy being creative and it all comes under that category. Now, if I can just remember to do everything....
What a fantastic swing! Is it a root, a leaf? What?
Good luck with your week - sure you'll cruise it.
I think it's meant to be an oak leaf!!
Wonderful news! Congratulations! Being busy means trying to keep everything organized, but what fun to be busy!
So wonderful that the church is celebrating creativity. God is a great creator and gives us an example to follow in that regard. This year has been my year of challenging myself to be creative. One drawing a day for a year. Sounds like you too will be challenged in that way.
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