Sometimes I find it hard to comment on world events, be they corporate or individual, knowing that I will never be able to fully comprehend or respond to them, knowing that there are so many tragedies, so many lives. In an age of mass communication we have the ability to find out about so many of them - and then not know how to respond. The age old question: who is my neighbour? arises out of the global village and finds no easy answer. We can't just say: that's miles away from me, I'll only focus on my local community. Neither can we forget our 'next door' communities, although we are frequently distracted from them, encased in our own quiet bubbles. We express the required outrage and indignation when hearing about things but our hearts and minds are stretched very thin. There are so many 'communities' in our lives these days.
There's no criticism in my pondering; it is, in fact, mere pondering. A moment of muddled thinking, before I go back to my daily routines and my personal circles and wonder how I connect with a bigger whole, which feels full of holes.
Very glad his wisdom is unsearchable and his love beyond depth and knowing.
You describe some of the thoughts I have been having the last few weeks. I am reminded of the story of the man who was throwing starfish / turtles / sea creature of your choice back into the sea one by one after thousands of them had been stranded on a beach. Someone commented that what he was doing was pretty pointless given the scale of the task. His reply was that he was making a difference to this one, as he threw one back in, and this one as threw another back in.
I wonder if his small actions then inspired others to do the same - multiplying the difference he could make?
No one can fill the holes you describe by themselves. But we can each work at the edges to make some holes a little smaller so less fall throught them.
Love the idea of making the holes smaller! Thanks x
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