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Saturday 23 February 2008

gloomy Saturday

Blah...feeling excessively gloomy today. Not sure if the tablets on for my head/neck are affecting my moods. Whatever, I certainly feel blah today. I don't seem to have any appetite for anything. Cleaned Charlie's hutch. Watched last week's Lark Rise to Candleford. On Sunday it didn't record so I had to record the Sign Zone version on Thursday. I didn't expect to like it so much - there's not much plot really. But it's pleasantly gentle and I always smile when Dorcas says 'It's my one weakness!' about something different each week. We've started watching The Big Bang Theory which has been very funny so far. We rarely watch things when they're actually on, just things we have remembered to record.

I have little more to say except...blah.

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"The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people."- Richard Foster