We both had a really lovely time. It was wonderful to disconnect from all the busyness of the world, and all the contact - a mobile phone signal at Lee Abbey? Who ever heard of such a thing?!

I don't mean that in a woe-is-me-I'm-such-failure-way, but a wry shaking of my head...and a need to re-shuffle my priorities. (So often we either ignore a need completely, or otherwise get so obsessed with having a guilt trip about it - either way does not lead to anything helpful!)
So, I'm pondering things and trying to carry them with me as we continue the advent journey towards Christmas.
Hi Lucy! I've missed you! :) I have been so slack in my blog hopping and tonight I thought I'd pop over and say hello.
Pondering... that's actually my favorite thing to do... just ponder things.
Sounds like you had a great time at the conference. I'm so glad you got to get away with your momma (Oh, I mean "mum"). :)
What a wonderful retreat! It must've been so nice to just get away and focus on your relationship with our Father. Thank you for reminding me to keep my eyes and heart focused on Advent, the coming of our Savior.
Beautiful blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog also. You're welcome to come on over anytime.
Kristi, Hello...Is This On?
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