When you have done a thing once, it is easier to do it again. And again...
This can be an encouragement. There are good and positive things that we may struggle to do because we lack the courage or experience. Things that are right for us to do.
These things flow more easily when we've made that first step. Strength for the task is easier to find. Fear becomes easier to manage. The seemingly impossible becomes possible...and hope spills over.
When you have done a thing once, it is easier to do it again. And again...
It struck me that this is also a warning. There may be a path you thought you'd never take, a sentence you thought you'd never say, a weapon you thought you'd never use.
These, too, are easier after they have happened once. How rapidly a habit can emerge, and how hard habits can be to break! Destructive words become commonplace; unthinkable things become much more likely.
Even though you said you never would.
When you have done a thing once, it is easier to do it again. And again...
It can be taken two ways.
Very good food for thought. Thanks for sharing it!
This is so true, a neat thought! I never thought I'd write a book, but I did and if I ever decide to write another, I know it would be easier the second time through.
Visiting from SITS.
Very thought-provoking!
Stopping by from SITS.
This totally gives me something to think about. I like that.
Stopped by from SITS to say hi and welcome.
Popped in from SITS to say hi! I saw on your profile that Anne of Green Gables is one of your favorite books--I loved that book when I was little!
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