
Lucy Mills has moved!

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Monday 3 November 2008

oh look, it's me

How to have a scheduled rest in the middle of a windy, cold, and extremely muddy coastal / cliff walk:

I look like a corpse, or maybe a crash test dummy, but never mind.

Have had a nice couple of weeks break - both home and away.

Stats: average, perhaps headache a little better.


Unknown said...

hi you!
Brave you hiking in the cold and mud!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! As for the photo, you remind me of one of those mannequins they use to train people on CPR. Hope it wasn't necessary - lol!

Lucy Mills said...

Not necessary, in the end...although some of the paths / steps were so muddy that they really were treacherously slippery - kept having to grab at tussocks of grass to try and stop falling over (or worse, sliding down the hill and ending up in the river). Exhausting! So nice to come across this unbelievably soft patch of bouncy grass and collapse!!

"The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people."- Richard Foster